Saturday 23 February 2008

Anagni art

Someone asked me recently if I had more pictures of the beautiful frescoes in the crypt of Anagni. I have to confess I have. The crypt has a whole series of frescoes based around the Book of the Apocalypse - a very neglected book in modern catechesis: many people shrug their shoulders and shy away from the Book, even though its profound liturgical significance is often forgotten; the crypt also has a vast array of scenes regarding the Ark of the Covenant (without Indiana Jones) and Old Testeament figures, notably Samuel.

Here is a depiction of the burial of St Magnus - in my theory, really that of St Thomas Becket but applied to Magno:

Next we have the prayers of the saints being offered by the angel at the altar of God in the Bookof the Apocalypse. This must surely be linked to the the angel who appeared to Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane in the account of St Luke and comforted Him - comforted Him with the prayers and love and faith of the saints through the ages:

Before the Lamb in the Apocalypse there is the great act of liturgical worship with the 24 elders worshipping Him and asting their crowns before Him. The 4 Evangelical Angels also surround Him in loving worship. He is the Lamb with the perfection of power and wisdome - with 7 horns and 7 eyes:

We also have the assumption of Elijah and his casting of his cloak onto Elisha:

Another wonderful image is of Christ seated in glory, surrounded by angels and with a whole assembly of potent symbols. A sword representing the two-edged sword of the word that cuts so keenly is issuing from His mouth. He has the keys of life and death in one hand and 7 stars in another. He is flanked by the 7 candles representing the fullness of Spirit, the 7 spirits sent out by God. This is truly the Pantocrator.

Finally, since my name is David, would it be too much to mention him of whom was born the great Son of David?

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